Tips to Survive the Dark
9/7/2016 (Permalink)
Candle Crayons
Break the point off the candle and use the paper label as a wick. Light the paper label at the end of the crayon; the crayon should last about thirty minutes.
Crisco Candles
If you need a long lasting candle substitution, then using Crisco is the answer. This alternative will last for thirty days! Open a can of Crisco all vegetable shortening and insert a wick substitution, such as a mop strand or even a shred of a cotton t-shirt.
Gum Lighter
If you do not have a way to light these candle substitutions because there is no form of electricity or a lighter available, you can create a small fire with gum wrapper and a battery. Use the foil wrapper and a AA battery to create a flame. Tear the wrapper and let the foil touch the positive and negative battery terminals so the wrapper can catch fire.